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Board Games

뱀파이어 퀸 | Vampire Queen

새벽이 밝았습니다. 

착한 뱀파이어는 잠자리에  시간입니다. 

늦게 잠드는 뱀파이어는 뱀파이어 헌터가 잡아갑니다.



The gray morning has arrived, and the vampires

of the ancient clans must now hurry back to their tombs.

For the high and mighty this is easy,

but the smaller, weaker vampires have the strength to do this only in groups.

Thus, you as the vampire lord might want to play out several

with low values together in order not to be surpassed.


Whatever you do in Vampire Queen, though,

be sure to rid yourself of the intrusive vampire hunter

because no one wants to get stuck with that!





뱀파이어 퀸 | Vampier Queen

작가 : 볼프강 크라머 | Wolfgang Kramer

일러스트레이터 : 길완진 | Wanjin Gill


8세이상 | 3-12명 | 20분



  • 110 Cards




[게임올로지] 뱀파이어퀸 2021판 : 게임올로지 온라인 스토어

[게임올로지 온라인 스토어] 또 다른 보드게임 세상 게임올로지




Vampire Queen

Manage your vampire clans in this cutthroat ladder-climbing game.











Vampire Queen Rulebook.zip

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